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作者:admin     發(fā)布時間:2011-12-06    點擊次數(shù):190

標(biāo)簽: 心肺復(fù)蘇模擬人  http://www.weimengyx.com

左起:10歲的Madisyn Kestell、母親 Candace Seyferth、12歲的朋友Katelynn Vreeke左起:10歲的Madisyn Kestell、母親 Candace Seyferth、12歲的朋友Katelynn Vreeke

  Girl aged 10 brings her mother back to life thanks to 'Grey's Anatomy' techniques


  A 10-year-old girl brought her mother back to life after she blacked out and stopped breathing, using resuscitation techniques learned from watching Grey's Anatomy.

  十歲的小姑娘在母親昏厥停止呼吸后,利用從醫(yī)學(xué)題材美劇《實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾》中學(xué)到的心肺復(fù)蘇 術(shù)搶救回自己的母親。

  Madisyn Kestell drew on years of wisdom gleaned from watching the popular television medical series to save her mother, Kandace Seyferth, after finding her unresponsive on the floor of their home in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

  這對母女生活在美國威斯康星州。在發(fā)現(xiàn)母親Kandace Seyferth昏厥在自家地板上對自己的呼喊毫無反應(yīng)后,女兒Madisyn Kestell憑借自己多年看著名醫(yī)學(xué)題材電視劇《實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾》的智慧救回了母親。

  After dialling 911 to summon help, she and her friend Katelynn Vreeke, 12, performed cardio-pulmonary resuscitation while they waited for the ambulance to arrive.


  "Me and my mom watch the show every Thursday and I learned it from there," Madisyn told her local newspaper, The Sheboygan Press, explaining how she gave mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while her friend performed the chest-thumps.

  Madisyn在對當(dāng)?shù)貓蠹垺断2┮粮請蟆方忉屓绾螌嵤?A href="http://www.weimengyx.com/">心肺復(fù)蘇 術(shù)時表示,她和媽媽在每周四都會看這部劇,是從那里學(xué)會的。她為母親做人工呼吸,她朋友則拍打母親的胸脯。

  Paramedics arrived within four minutes to take over, and took Ms Seyferth, 36, to the local hospital.


  "They pretty much said if Maddie didn't remain calm and call 911 and so what she did, I wouldn't even be here to talk about it," she said。


  Grey's Anatomy follows the life and death dramas of medical staff at a fictional Seattle hospital and draws an average 19 million viewers an episode. It was the fourth highest-earning show on US television last year, behind Desperate Housewives, Two and a Half Men, and American Idol.


  Its popularity stems less from its attention to medical detail than its fast-paced story lines, romantic entanglements and cast of glamorous characters and heart-throbs, played by actors who have included Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, Katherine Heigl and Ellen Pompeo.


  Ms Seyferth, who suffered lung damage from a severe bout of pneumonia earlier this year, collapsed after going upstairs to fetch her inhaler during an asthma attack that had left her struggling for breath. With her fiance, Dusty Poisson, at work, the two girls sprang into action. "We have to chuckle afterwards to find out they learned it from Grey's Anatomy".

  Seyferth女士在今年早些時候因為一次嚴(yán)重的肺炎造成了肺部損傷。當(dāng)天突發(fā)哮喘無法呼吸,在上樓去取吸入器時昏厥過去了。她的未婚夫Dusty Poisson當(dāng)時正在上班,家里的兩個小姑娘就立即行動了起來?!拔覀兊弥齻兪菑摹秾嵙?xí)醫(yī)生格蕾》中學(xué)到的急救知識都忍不住笑了?!?/P>

  It is the second time in a matter of days that the show has been credited with saving a life. Erin Taylor, 30, a nurse in Edmonton, Canada, was inspired by a story line in the drama to sign up to a national organ donor programme in a move that resulted in her donating one of her kidneys to a critically ill stranger.

  這是幾天時間內(nèi)第二起《實習(xí)醫(yī)生格蕾》救命事件了。30歲的Erin Taylor是加拿大埃德蒙頓市的一位護(hù)士,受該劇中一個故事的啟發(fā),加入了國家器官捐獻(xiàn)計劃行動,把自己的一顆腎臟無償捐獻(xiàn)給了一位嚴(yán)重病患。

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